Cybersecurity Training

Most cases of compromised data are the result of unintentional actions, or inactions, and can be prevented by following good information security practices. Compromised data can result in major security breaches that damage work, careers and reputations, and are expensive to repair. Information security is everyone's responsibility.
To inform everyone about threats to information security and good practices to reduce the risks associated with those threats, UC Davis has adopted a mandatory online Cyber Security Awareness course which must be completed on an annual basis. The course is composed of several video modules covering a number of important information security topics. To access the course module, you may visit

All UC Davis employees are expected to conduct work in accordance with the University of California Statement of Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct and are required to complete a systemwide ethics briefing every two years. We offer a general briefing on ethics through the Learning Management System (LMS) to help you understand the parameters within which we all must operate as stewards of a public institution. To access the course module, you may visit
Sexual Harassment Training
Faculty and staff supervisors are required to complete sexual harassment and sexual violence prevention training every two years. New faculty and supervisors are required to complete the training within 90 days of hire. In addition to meeting UC’s systemwide sexual harassment curriculum standards, the session includes guidelines for those who work directly with students as well as training on legal obligations to report sexual violence.
Staff and academic appointees who are not supervisors are also required to complete sexual harassment and sexual violence prevention training. New employees are required to receive training within the first six weeks of hire. The training includes information on their responsibility to report sexual violence and sexual harassment if the incident involves a student
Questions? Contact UC Davis Learning and Development at or 530.752.1766.
Undergraduate, Graduate, and Professional students: All new students are required to complete mandatory sexual violence intervention and prevention training within the first six weeks of beginning classes at UC Davis. Educational sessions are offered during summer orientation programs and throughout the first half of each Quarter/Semester. Training for undergraduate students is conducted by the Center for Advocacy Resources and Education (CARE). Training for graduate and professional students is offered by the Harassment and Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program (HDAPP).