Whistleblower and Whistleblower Retaliation
Making a Whistleblower Report
Employees, students, and others may report suspected improper governmental activities either orally or in writing to the UC Davis Locally Designated Official (LDO) for purposes of the University’s Whistleblower Policy:
Wendi Delmendo
Chief Compliance Officer
1 Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 752-6550
(530) 752-0853 (fax)
Click here for a form you can use to make a written complaint.
*Employees, students, and others are protected from retaliation for filing a whistleblower report.*
You may also report suspected improper governmental activity to any of the following University resources:
- Your supervisor (or other appropriate administrator within your unit) who will report it to the LDO;
- Human Resources, Academic Personnel or Internal Audit Services who will inform the LDO of the complaint;
- The University wide Whistleblower Hotline: (800) 403-4744. The hotline is independently operated to help ensure confidentially. Reporters may use the hotline to file reports anonymously.
The University accepts anonymous whistleblower reports. Anonymous whistleblowers should provide sufficient detail so that the University can properly evaluate the complaint. In the absence of sufficient detail and corroborating evidence, the University may not be able to investigate the complaint.
Individuals who prefer to report the suspected improper governmental activity to an outside agency may contact:
Bureau of State Audits
555 Capitol Mall, Suite 300
Sacramento, CA 95814
Making a Whistleblower Retaliation Report
Students, employees and applicants for employment, and others who believe they have been subjected to retaliation for reporting an improper governmental activity may file a complaint with the Retaliation Complaint Officer:
Wendi Delmendo
Chief Compliance Officer
1 Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 752-6550
(530) 752-0853 (fax)
The complaint must be in writing and policy requires that employees and applicants for employment submit accompanied by a signed and sworn statement made under penalty of perjury that its contents are true or are believed to be true. Whistleblower retaliation matters are evaluated under the systemwide Whistleblower Protection Policy. In line with that policy, UC Davis maintains a local implementing policy. Click here for a form you can use to make a written complaint.